Info & Tips Made Especially for You
Know what your child needs. Know what's out there. And know how to get it.
Read more...Special Education Extended School Year: What You Need to Know Summer is upon us! And yes, a...December 30, 2021Read more...Celebrating New Year's Eve with Special Needs Children How to Help Children with Special Needs...November 9, 2021Read more...Special Education Laws and Regulations Across 50 States Bonus: A printable spreadsheet with...FREE Resources
Free Printable Info & Tips Especially Made for You and Your Child.
4 Things to Do Before, 4 Things During, and 4 Things After the IEP Meeting
Does your child need to learn new/certain skills? Pair your verbal instruction with visual support such as this social story.
5-10 token boards that you can use to increase your child's motivation to do target skill/behavior.
"First...Then..." and 5-10 token boards that you can use as a visual reminder what your child needs to do first to get what he/she wants.
Are you a parent? Are you lost at finding your state's special education-related info? Are you moving to a new state?
Download this free resource & your link is a click away.
Does your child have a 504 Plan? Here is a checklist of tips to make sure that your child has a successful school year.
Created by Special Education teacher & advocate Cara Wysong
Do you want me to cover certain info?
Don't be afraid to reach out. You + me = awesome.
Disclaimer: The info here is for educational purposes only and shouldn't be seen as any kind of legal advice. Please also be advised that my experience is based on working in special education in California. Federal laws should apply to all states. However, each state has its own additional laws.
© 2020 AtoZofSpecialNeeds.com